About us

Welcome to the official Oxford University Press blog for English language learners!

If you’re learning English, you’re in the right place to access the latest language learning and assessment resources from the world’s largest University Press!

Every year we help millions of people around the world to learn English. As a department of the University of Oxford, we further the University’s objective of excellence in education by publishing proven and tested language learning books, eBooks, learning materials, and educational technologies.

Interested in our history? Oxford University Press started publishing as far back as 1586! Our English Language Learning materials started reaching learners in the first half of the 20th Century, and to this day we continue to publish award-winning English language learning materials.

The Oxford Test of English

In 2019, we launched a ground-breaking new language proficiency test, The Oxford Test of English. This computer-adaptive English proficiency test was developed by Oxford University Press, and is certified by the University of Oxford. It’s faster, more flexible, and more cost-effective than traditional tests. Click here to find your nearest test centre!

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