Valeria, a 22 year old computer engineer and programmer, first started learning English from her father at home in Costa Rica.
“He spent time in Canada and the States. But I think I’m better at English than him now – don’t tell him, though!”
Her father saw the opportunities that can come from learning English during his travels overseas, and now Valeria has seen them firsthand too. “I have better job opportunities, and I get paid more because I can prove I have a great level of English.”
This became clearer when she landed her dream job — working for a company whose headquarters are based in Atlanta, making English language skills a must for any member of staff. “Most of our clients and vendors are in Atlanta, so we have to use English every day.” Luckily, she was able to get her B2 certificate while at university. Knowing she could prove that she had a good level of English gave Valeria the confidence to apply for the role in the first place.
It was all made possible when her professor arranged for her class to sit the Oxford Test of English at the end of their course. She found the experience of taking the online test quite relaxing and was able to complete all the modules in two hours. And, unlike other English proficiency tests, the students didn’t have to learn a particular way to answer the questions, which Valeria appreciated.
“I could focus on my English instead of learning how to take a test.”
It also didn’t hurt when she learnt that her Oxford Test of English certificate is valid for life.
“Whenever I need evidence of my English proficiency, I can show my Oxford Test of English certificate. You can use it for business or travelling – the possibilities are endless. It’s amazing for anyone who needs to prove they have a good level of English.”
Like Francisco, for example – a Mechanical Engineering Student & Basketball Coach from Spain.
Francisco needed to prove he had a B2 level of English when he was applying to spend a year studying abroad in Finland, as all his classes there were in English.
Once he arrived, he found his English also came in handy when he was socialising too, as not that many of the locals or other foreign students spoke Spanish.
“I realised that if you can speak English, you can communicate nearly everywhere you go.”
Just like Valeria, Francisco certified his English level with the Oxford Test of English, and also enjoyed the fact that it was online, and adaptive.
“The structure of the test is great; it adapts to your ability, getting harder or easier depending on your answers. It’s nice because you’re being tested during the whole exam.”
So would he recommend it?
“Yes, absolutely! The test takes just two hours, and then the certificate endorsed by the University of Oxford stays with you and remains useful for your whole life. It’s ideal for people who need to prove to a company they can operate in English, and it looks great on a CV.”
Not to mention, it helped open the doors to a once in a lifetime experience of studying in Finland.
“I think it was probably the best period of my life. It was just four months, but they were so special. I travelled around the Nordic countries and Russia, and met people I’d never meet in any other situation. I’m so glad I was there – and all because of the Oxford Test of English!”
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